Author Archives: MountainSlayersUganda

Never underestimate a mountain.“Sabyinyo was three six (3,669m), this is 3,083 (m).” – those were the words of Dr MartinAdupet – a fellow hiker with whom I’d summited Mountains Sabinyo…

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Wilderness first aid is the knowledge and ability to effectively address injuries, illnesses, or emergencies outside of modern facilities, out in the wild. Skills include knowing how to dress a…

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KASESE, UGANDA Mountain Slayers Uganda (MSU) yesterday handed over mountain climbing safety equipment to the Rwenzori mountains’ guiding community. The equipment handover is part of a project that also saw…

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On Saturday 8th May 2021 at 00h00, two Uganda speed climbers started their attempt at the first 24-hour ascent and descent of Margherita Peak (5109 meters), a distance of just…

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When one thinks about the Rwenzoris, snow and glaciers probably aren’t the first things that come to mind. After all, this is the equator. But these aren’t the kind of…

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Aaah, so you have seen the photos from the Mountain Slayers Uganda trip to the Rwenzoris and now you feel the FOMO bug bite harder than ever. You have sworn,…

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The weekend of March 13-15th, Mountain Slayers Uganda made the 5-hour journey west to Ibanda, to explore Mythical World of the Bachwezi.

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The weekend of 31st Jan-2nd February 2020, Mountain Slayers Uganda had their first slay of the calendar year in and around the land of the Bamba, Bawesi, Batuku, Batoro, Bakonjo, and Batwa; areas covered…

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What shoes one wears during their leisure activities does not count for much most of the time unless its one’s hiking shoes. By Dibo Brown Somehow I forgot to highlight…

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The following chaos is sponsored by Maik’s birthday. So this is how it went down. We jumped on to the UWA bus to hit the road to Kisoro. Everybody was…

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